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Past Plays

2024 Out of Focus
2023 Allo, Allo
2022 Off The Hook
2021 Death By Design
2020 No Play due to Coronavirus
2019 Stepping Out
2018 Beyond a Joke
2017 Play On!
2016 Move Over Mrs Markham
2015 Death by Fatal Murder
2014 Ladies Day
2013 Dry Rot
2012 It Runs in the Family
2011 Post Horn Gallop
2010 Love Begins at Fifty
2009 Outside Edge
2008 Hobson’s Choice
2007 See How They Run
2006 Don’t Dress For Dinner
2005 A Month Of Sundays
2004 Key For Two
2003 Stepping Out
2002 When We Are Married
2001 It Could Be Anyone Of Us
2000 Will You Still Love Me In The Morning?
1999 Caught On The Hop
1998 There Goes The Bride
1997 Murdered To Death
1996 Holiday Snap
1995 Darling Mr London
1994 Chase Me Comrade
1993 Out of Focus